

What is Déjà-vu/ Witnessing Parallel Versions of You and/or Other People/ Glimpsing into Past Events (Retrocognition)


Déjà-vu, parallel realities and the concept of "time" that includes past, present and future; what do they all have in common? The answer is more than you probably think. All three of them are deeply interconnected with each other, in the sense that déjà-vu is directly correlated to alternate (parallel) versions of reality and the notion of time supports that since all possible realities are happening all at once, in the present moment or the eternal now. Quantum science also shows that parallel realities are merely different versions of physical reality but that each reality is located in the same time and space. The question then arises, if everything is happening now, is it possible to gain access or even extract information from other versions of you and others; in particular versions that are playing out a seemingly far different timeline or even past versions of people that did physically act out their part? If so, what could this mean for us and is there any real potential benefit to it?

The concept of déjà-vu is something many find very interesting because it’s a mysterious subject most people don’t quite understand, as there’s no real mainstream scientific explanation yet behind this phenomenon. Déjà-vu refers to a feeling of having already experienced the present situation, as per definition by Oxford Dictionary. When this happens, it feels as if though we are literally reliving something that has already happened at a certain point in time. What actually happens when a déjà-vu moment occurs, is that an individual finds themselves in immediate connection to a different timeline where they encounter the circumstantial effects of that reality. Therefore, déjà-vu is not a previous imagined event that eventually becomes materialised; it’s literally when someone’s higher self stands in communication with another version of them from a different parallel reality and thus becomes a channel to receive information from that single reality experience.

A second paranormal phenomenon that is quite mind staggering, is visually witnessing parallel versions of you and/or others in your mind's eye. I've personally started to experience this more regularly since earlier this year, where I began to see myself doing things that indicated a complete 180 degree shift from what my current reality looked like, living out a total different life experience in another parallel universe. I could literally see a potential future possibility of myself in another timeline but the interesting part is that I could really feel into it and experience the event, as if though it had already happened - because in fact, it already díd happen (since everything happens all at once in the ever-present "now" moment)! What I was observing was simply another me, if I'd choose to make a particular choice that would lead me to that specific point in time and space. I haven't really had a similar experience regarding other people but it's a very fascinating occurrence because you actually encounter the results of your own decision-making, in what seems almost real-time in your imagination; it's impressive and exceptional at the same time, to be able to look into the future and see what will happen, if you decide to do one thing instead of another. 

When you start becoming more aware as you increase your levels of consciousness, you may also begin to see glimpses into people's past, also called "retrocognition". I've had this happen to me more than once lately where I'd just be thinking of someone I know, while all of the sudden a visual image of them presents itself in front of me and I'll be revisited to a specific time period in the past where something happened to them. On one occasion, I was shown a short clip of someone in my close circle where this person was holding up a large gun during the act of a robbery, demanding those present in the environment to conform to his orders. This person only ever told me they were involved in criminal activity, among which shootings and robberies, but never told me the specific type of guns that were used. Later I accidentally found out online, that he has the same exact type of gun in his possession, as I saw in my vision before. Another time I was watching a Youtube video of a girl's account I follow about spirituality and quantum physics, when at one point, she mentioned that she used to be a female bodybuilder. I had no idea beforehand that she was a bodybuilder, nor did she look like one, but when she said that I instantly received a vision of her posing during a competition and I could see her standing on stage, posing in a bikini, with a nice muscular toned body. I could even see the color of her bikini and some other details on the way she looked, although of course she never confirmed my intuitive impression. It's like I could see right into her past when she brought up that part; it was quite insane and astonishing at the same time. I definitely knew she was telling the truth about her career as a bodybuilder, only because I could review it as if though I was recalling a memory I directly witnessed myself.

The ability of recognizing déjà-vu, seeing parallel versions playing out of yourself and/or other individuals in your mind and looking into past events without substantial precognition of actual evidence, is pretty amazing and supernatural. You must have a heightened sense of awareness in order to perceive these things, otherwise there'd be absolutely no chance of experiencing such phenomenons. Except déjà-vu might be a slight exception to the rule, as that one is experienced more commonly among a lot of people. Some benefits of these incidents are most definitely the ability to make better and more conscious decisions in regards to future outcomes, especially when being confronted with another parallel version of yourself. The ability to look into someone's past can obviously be helpful as well, if possible, to become aware of their true intentions and to know if they are telling the truth. You might even be able to help them more efficiently with specific traumas if they need help with that. The main benefit of experiencing déjà-vu is probably the ability to become more present and centered, as it makes you realize that more profoundly that everything is connected and that you are one with all that is, allowing you to grow more wisely into who you are meant to become.