Why She May Be a Sexually Promiscuous Woman
Sex is a topic that we don’t as easily shy away from now as we used to like in Victorian times for example, such as when conversing and discussing about it with other people, but also in its actual physical sense. Whether or not women were less sexually promiscuous back then, I personally do think that was the case for most women, but what I do know certainly is that generally speaking exposing your sexuality and sexual behaviour out in the open wasn’t the norm or socially accepted. This was the case due to a few reasons; one aspect being that there were no reliable forms of birth control, a second one being the high and dangerous risks of getting infected with Syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease of which there was no cure at the time and a third one being that women were often publicly shamed for sexual promiscuous behaviour and would even get discarded and condemned by their social environment. Today it's no secret that our world looks a whole lot different and you only need to go on the internet or drive a few miles to a massage parlour or strip club in order to view or get in contact with women showing off their naked bodies.
But why have women become so much more sexually promiscuous? Yes of course, the world and human beings have evolved and due to technological advancement social interaction is nowhere near the same as it used to be, as it has seemingly become an inevitable consequence of human evolution considering the creations made over the past decades. Things like social media for example seem to push the boundaries of our sexual expression and exposure when it comes to how we present ourselves via photo or video material. More and more young people also choose to either temporarily or permanently alter their body or face to look more attractive, sexy and provocative. This has become a norm within society, it has become accepted as normality because more people continue to follow this trend or lifestyle. It has also made the majority of especially younger people look at promiscious behaviour a whole lot different. But is it all to blame on new technology and its rapid development? Probably not, it’s more likely that that is just a segment or part of a much larger picture of where we are currently at and moving towards as a collective.

I’m not going to write down all the possible reasons for why modern society has become much more “loose”, licentious or "sexually immoral" (immorality and morality are both subjective to the individual), instead I will present you the top arguments for why women in this day and age become promiscuous or why you may be dealing with a woman who shows signs of sexual debauchery.
1. She has low self-esteem and seeks personal validation through sexual pleasure or sexual encounters
Women who lack confidence are higher at risk to have profligate tendencies when it comes to sexual activities. She might engage in such activities to seek attention or validation in order to gain confidence because that’s essentially what she lacks, whether she’s aware of it or not. She acts as a result of her beliefs that through engaging in reckless sexual behaviour, she may receive approval for her self-worth. For these women having sex with many different people feels very much like an adrenaline rush, almost like a drug where they get their emotional satisfaction and comfort from. Their sexual partners become their kryptonite that they need in order to feel worthy of themselves.
2. She has a past or childhood where she experienced sexual assault or (sexual) abuse
It has been shown in plenty university studies that women who have experienced sexual assault or sexual or even physical abuse when they were younger, are significantly much more likely to engage in promiscuity or even prostitution when they become older, than those who had a relatively stable, non-abusive household or environment to grow up in. This is simply due to the fact that experience of familiarity plays a big role in the way their perception and outlook on sexual intimacy is developed. Their past trauma acts as a safe haven for their present circumstances. In essence you could say that it’s not so much in most cases that the woman or girl herself wants to engage in sexual activities with multiple partners out of total free will, but that her subconscious old programming automatically pushes her towards these tendencies and behavioural patterns.

3. She views and treats sex as an escape from daily life tasks or issues
A woman may also find herself in bodily pleasure such as sex because she’s looking for a way to escape from daily responsibilities. We all know that life can demand a lot from us and for some there comes a time where it becomes almost unbearable, to the point of looking for a way out, an escape if you will to avoid all the emotional stress. Sometimes, especially in the moment, it does seem easier to turn a blind eye and look away. But we all know that doing that only means that we will have to face the consequences of our actions later on. It’s very possible nevertheless that if you know a woman who shows signs of sexual overindulgence especially with multiple partners, that she’s doing it in the hopes of not directly having to deal with her daily duties or personal demands.
4. She might have a sexual addiction called “Compulsive Sexual Behaviour”
Compulsive Sexual Behaviour, also called hypersexuality, hypersexuality disorder or sexual addiction, may be another sign why you may be dealing with a woman who’s promiscuous. There are of course underlying factors that will showcase the reason of this disorder manifesting; depression, anxiety, insecurity, trauma etc. In this case people who have this disorder are unable to control and manage their sexual desires and behaviour. Just like with any addiction it causes problems within the person’s life and thus the individual is advised to get professional help in the form of psychotherapy and possibly also medication to reduce sexual urges and obsessive thoughts caused by certain brain chemicals that activate these. Medication that may help are antidepressants, Naltrexone, mood stabilizers and anti-androgens. Note that I’m not a medical doctor, these are only recommendations that help stabilize and reduce unwanted symptoms. To see whether or not these medications would benefit someone you need to make an appointment with a medical doctor or psychiatrist.
5. She has identity issues and subconsciously tries to discover her true self/identity through sex
It happens that people get to a period in their life where they feel lost and clueless about their direction and even who they are. In turn to fill that void they will sometimes look for ways to find out what’s lacking and for some, that may mean turning to explore their sexuality with other people, hoping to find closure or answers to what’s “missing”. I want to mention that an identity crisis is very much psychological-based and involves firm thoughts or beliefs that the individual herself struggles and deals with about themselves and possibly life itself. While there’s nothing as a matter of course wrong with exploring your sexuality, this can of course turn out for the worst just like any other activity where there’s overindulge or extreme excess of pleasure-seeking. In case of severe identity problems, make sure to seek professional help such as with a psychologist or psychiatrist.

6. She wants to make up for her lack of sexual adventure or experience in the past
About two weeks ago I watched a Youtube video where a 69-year old woman admitted that she has been a sex worker for the past ten years and that she loves her job and does it not only for that reason, but also because she didn’t have much sexual interaction with men for fourty years. That’s obviously a very long time to not have sex for most people and I can personally understand her decision regarding her chosen profession, given her arguments. This is just an example for why a woman could be involved in sexual debauchery or promiscuity, but of course there’s nothing wrong with it as long as she herself does it for the right reasons and is emotionally stable. The woman in question seemed very happy to me and her choice to do sex work lead her to having her sexual fantasies fulfilled. She furthermore told the interviewer that she couldn’t be happier as a result of the choices she made she said herself. As I said earlier, if a woman is in her right mind and knows and loves what she’s doing, then it’s only the best for her if that’s what makes her happy.