
Waiting on Love is the Lack of Love Within


Why do many women crave validation from men so much (and vice versa), to the point they feel emotionally burned out and insecure? It’s because there’s a general lack of self-love within, which causes these women to unconsciously project outwardly a version of them that is petty, foolish, needy and sometimes even resentful at the fact that all these men act mean and take them for granted. Because a woman who is unconscious and doesn’t stand strong in her sense of self-worth, automatically goes out into the world and acts in a way that is self-destructive, towards herself and others, and goes to assume that other people view her the same way she perceives herself. You can imagine that a woman who already feels insecure, unworthy or unloveable while receiving such treatment from others, especially men, will tend to be significantly impacted, as she herself is mentally unstable. This happens because the negative beliefs she holds about herself get reinforced each time she encounters someone rejecting her or giving her less than what her emotional needs are.

It’s ultimately a subconscious program that has been learned, just like with computer software, that fundamentally got accepted on an ego-level through a cycle of repetitive behaviour of thoughts and actions, that unfortunately keeps playing out until the conscious decision has been made to, quite literally, "break the curse". Only finally then, a woman in such a scenario will realize that she’s amazing and always has been and that her flaws are uniquely beautiful to her and that that’s perfection in itself. She'll furthermore come to the understanding that she was seeking love and approval in all the wrong places but now gets, that love comes from within first and foremost and that receiving love can only be done once she learns to love all parts of herself, just as much as she loves the totality of someone else.

Why ever wait on love?

Why would you ever wait on someone, anyway? Isn’t life too short to wait and see if someone really cares, respects, loves and adores you, or if it's truly "meant to be" or not between you and another person? Of course it is, yet most of us have waited for someone before whom we deemed special and maybe that person was well worth the wait and everything turned out great in the end - but for most people, the case is that they so badly want others to see the value within them, especially when they like someone in particular, that they woúld wait just because they seek validation to prove themselves that they're worthy. Besides, who to better receive that reassurance from, than the one we love or desire most; meanwhile, the truth is that that person won’t see their value, unless they themselves see and recognize it, first. We always hold up a mirror for others of ourselves and what we see in that mirror, is what others will see too. That’s why you can’t really fake the way you feel about yourself because it’s constantly being reflected in micro expressions and habits, and it's even felt within your aura. Even the tone and sound of your voice and the movements of your eyes, tell you so much about how someone feels about themselves; whether they like, love, hate or despise who they are. It can all be backtracked to the little things you continuously say and do but obviously, "acting as if" or as the person you'd want to become, goes a long way in disguising those parts of you that you don't like and becoming a better, enhanced version of yourself.

In case of whether or not a romantic connection is meant to last, you'll only know by going with the flow of life and see if the universe brings you both back together. The universe is highly intelligent and knows ways we'll never know of, to bring us in perfect alignment, at the right place and time, with the people and things that harmonize most with our own core vibration. Therefore, don't seek, don't chase but attract and have faith, so that all things can come together in divine timing. This brings me to our next point: sure we can wait on love or wait for someone all we want (despite my advice) but if we fail to love ourselves, who will love us? This statement is an important reason why to always keep improving yourself in every regard, primarily giving attention to those things that need extra detail, such as the shadow parts of you; the parts that are not so pretty and perhaps have been shoved under the rug so far, you've forgotten they were even there but have still become part of your personality. Those are the traits that need to be looked at and reevaluated. Once having worked through those issues, massive self-improvement can and will be observed because the work you do within yourself gets mirrored back every time with no exception, in the form of physical results.

Is it worth it?

So, is it really worth the wait.. love? I think we already know the answer... You shouldn't wait on love in most cases and neither would you, if you understand that the love you feel for yourself and the world is what magnetizes the right people to you, and this of course includes romantic love. However this means that the opposite is also true; that when you don't love yourself enough, you repel those same people and when you're waiting to be loved, the truth is that you're not exactly loving yourself the way you should. Waiting creates separation and separation is an illusion of the mind, so what would you wait for? The answer is nothing, when you realize that you need to fill up your own cup before anyone else can add to it. If your cup is empty but you're searching for love, all you're ever going to find is people who'll prove to you the exact reason why there's nothing in there, why you're not enough. You'll simply be disheartened because those people will quickly knock you down since they can sense that you're easy to prey on and will pick you as their victim because truthfully, they don't even like themselves (we treat others the way we treat ourselves). Moreover, you'll never find what you're looking for  when you don't have self-appreciation because after all, there'll be parts about them you'll really dislike becáuse you don't like yourself, and what's the point of going after something knowing there's no point in chasing it? (you should never chase anyway because what you chase runs away)

The answer

The question is, what should you do instead if waiting on someone you already know of or love in general, isn't the answer? Well, the answer already got answered but to add some extra detail: yes self-love is the answer and that includes working on all parts of yourself; not just one or those that feel most comfortable. You have to be willing to really look at yourself and face whatever needs a "cleaning up" and just go ahead and do it. Instead of sitting and waiting around for someone "special" to come along, become that version of you they would most want to be with and easy as that, they will fall for you that much quicker and you'll be the most healthy and confident for both of you. In order words, you become that special someone but for you; because you're becoming your best self, for yourself, in the first place. Needless to say, don't torture yourself and force the fact that one person in particular that you've set your mind on, is the (only) right person for you that can make you happy. You can't possibly know that without having spent some real quality time together with someone for at least several weeks to a few months.  Keep your options open and see what comes along; that way you appear more attractive to those who actually want to shoot their shot with you (men especially like some competition in the game) and it's also  a great way to stay grounded and not feel feel like your whole world is falling apart when someone makes you feel unwanted in any case because you've put them on a pedestal. The answer? As cliché as it sounds, self-love is thé best love because it attracts the right kind of love to you!